Friday, December 1, 2006


Yesterday we had adventures in weather! Yes yes. I left the house at 7:15am, in flip flops 'cause it was warm and muggy... 70-something degrees. The sky turns cloudy and a yucko color while I'm on the road. I'm almost at school when my windows start fogging up. By the time I park and get out of my car (7:45am), it's wet, very windy, and the temperature has dropped 30 degrees! The temperature was 37 for the rest of the day. Good gravy, it was nasty. And I knew it was coming, mom. I just like flip-flops.

Also, I had the pleasure of seeing Aaron Shust in concert a year ago, and he did a great job leading worship. Wonderful guy. But am I the only one who thinks the placement on this shirt is horrible?


  1. sorry. one more. that shirt is hilarious!

  2. 1. love the fact that you seem to be a blog-aholic these days!

    2. all people wearing flip flops in winter unite! should we buy some of those special flip flop socks, though?

  3. That shirt is an embarrassment. Someone wasn't doing their homework and asking for input.
