What was I thinking??? I just got my ears pierced. I've got holes in my ears! Straight through em! And something stuck inside them! Aaaaah!!!
Yeah, I'm a little freaked out. No wonder I let my holes close up before. Rebecca was a little worried beforehand, and I was not. But Becca went first, nice and brave because I had conveniently forgotten that getting your ears pierced really does hurt at first. But she was nice and didn't mention my absentmindedness until after I got mine done. And after it was over and we left the store, I freaked out.
But it was a good experience aaaaand ohmygoodness I have to fiddle with these brand new holes three times a day!! What have I done to myself?
PS: Aunt Wendy - hurry up and post something on your blog so we can leave you comments. :D
i can't believe i missed so many of your blogs! whew! am happy to be all caught up now. can't wait to see the new & bejeweled jessica.