Spanish Version
Hace una semana que tengo agujeros en mis oídos, y nada mal todavía. Me duele un poquito uno de mis oídos cuándo muevo el pendiente. Probablemente va a caerse o algo.
Ayer, di una presentación oral en Español (completo con PowerPoint). Pasé todo el día antes memorizando el discurso de 6 minutos, porque no podemos leer de nuestras notas. Bueno, pienso que el discurso fue bien, pero hablaba muy rápida... así la clase probablemente no entendió mucho.
English Version
I've made it through a week of having holes in my ears - so far so good. One of my ears hurts a little when I move the earring. It's probably about to fall off or something.
Yesterday I gave an oral presentation in Spanish (complete with PowerPoint). I spent the previous day, in its entirety, memorizing the 6-minute speech because we weren't supposed to read from our notes. So I think I did well, I just talked really fast... so the class probably didn't catch half of it.
Stuff I'm Not Going to Translate into Spanish
Somehow I came across these articles today and found them fascinating. (Yes, now I want to be an astronaut.)
NASA telescope sees black hole gulping remote star
Space cuisine: beyond freeze-dried ice cream
24 Hours of Chaos: The Day the Moon Was Made
The little bit of His creation that God allows us to see (and possibly understand) is incredible. What I find sad is that these articles so readily deny His existence. Notice how in that last one, the latest developments which finally seem to show "that the Moon could have formed when a Mars-sized object hit a fully formed Earth" are "comforting." Comforting? They make you comfortable, because now there's not that possibility of a God who formed everything, right? Because now your science explains everything, and you don't have to worry about some Higher Being watching you?
I admire Jenn (and this Jen too) a lot for the Spiritual analogies she comes up with. But now I feel one coming on. ;) Let's be stars that dare to travel too close to the black hole of God's overwhelming love. Often we give Him just pieces of our lives, but with each piece that is no longer ours but becomes part of Him, we get closer to perfection. He consumes us, and He is irresistible. And one day He will have our whole lives - but in the meantime, we'll keep drawing others to Christ through His overwhelming love.
Ok, I totally want to know what it's like to get eaten by a black hole now.
I'm sure there's a movie where someone gets eaten by a black hole. You can research and watch it for a vicarious experience.