Wednesday, October 25, 2006

All Things Wise and Wonderful

Tonight is a good night for putting off homework in favor of blogging! Woot.

Several weeks ago Rebecca posted some memories associated with specific songs. That got me thinking about some of my own music-related memories, so I thought I'd share a few.

Dive by Steven Curtis Chapman - body-slamming into the seat of the van with Samantha and Emily on the way to Rand, West Virginia for a missions trip. I guess it became the unofficial theme song of the trip - that poor seat!

The "Shut Up" song by Grits - pretending to be ghetto while Beth, Em, Sam and I watched the music video. I honestly don't remember what the real title of the song is, but I guess "shut up" was the catchiest part for us. Wouldn't our parents be proud?

The crazy "are ya achin' (yup yup) for some bacon (yup yup)" song - I was probably 7 or 8 when I spent the night at my cousin's house here in Texas for the first time. We sat down to watch The Lion King (while we colored in The Lion King coloring books - beat that). And my cousin reeeeeally loved this song. I finally had to tackle her to keep her from rewinding the video again.

I think I actually have more memories associated with whole albums...
Superchic[k]'s "Beauty from Pain" - Emily and I checked Wal-Mart for this at least every other day when she visited in 2005. I finally got it - on the way home from taking Emily to the airport. :P At least I had some new music to be all gloomy too while I cleaned up my room.

Another Superchic[k] one: Bethany and Emily bought me "Karaoke Superstars" as a moving away present in 2003. I listened to it the whoooooole drive down here (5 days). Thank God for headphones!

Rachael Lampa's "Live for You" - I think I was getting a ride home from ballet with some friends and I got to hear most of this album. For someone who had previously heard mostly stuff like Carmen, the Beatles, and classic Newsboys, some female power pop went over quite well! And I think this was the first CD I purchased with my own money.

And speaking of songs... last week, my government book prompted me to check out Al-jazeera's website and compare its news coverage to that of western news networks. I finally found the "English" option and began exploring, and came across some animated cartoons. They were pretty 2-dimensional and stilted, with midi-music in the background. And as I'm watching the last one, I notice that the song playing is "All Things Bright and Beautiful" (??). I'm guessing the Arabs don't sing Christian hymns that often.

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