Friday, March 30, 2007

Everybody to the Limit

Hello friends!

Good gravy, it's always someone. This is for my cuz Mariah, who is like, super-blogger-woman even though she has two kids. She's a great role model and I totally aspire to be like her. *tear*

I almost had three exams fall on the same day again this week but my algebra teacher moved his, thank God. This is why I have been so noticeably absent. (Mariah noticed, anyway.)

Despite all the studying, I did manage to have two fantastic nights this week. Last night Rebecca and I made a Chilis run and then shopped for dresses. (She found a purty one for Easter... ooo!) Went to lemonade for some Chick-Fil-A. ;) Made some chocolate chip cookies and then the crew came over and partiness ensued. We played some Nerts and some Scrabble and then I brought myself home for a snooze.

Oh yes, I noticed that I never posted the link for the "...So, Don't Be Anxious" sermon I mentioned twenty years ago. But I still heartily recommend it - you can check it out here. Go listen! Go!

It's been a while since I've talked about job stuff too. I never heard from the Christian bookstore and I decided not to really pursue anything else, but I did just hear from a lady who's interested in having me watch her little girl two days a week. I'm going to try that Monday. :)

I'm off to hit the books, but I must say thanks to Rebecca and Matt for making every night feel like spring break! Everybody have a good weekend and eat yummy things.


  1. thanks for the update! and the honorable mention. :)

  2. Glad to hear you are still on spring break! :) How do you like the new job so far?
