I won't lie - I was expecting another Rita. After Edouard and Gustav and all the other piddly little rainstorms failed to bring us any rain, let alone a hurricane worth preparing for, I figured Ike would probably go chase his tail down the gulf and maybe sneeze in our direction.
No major damage on our part, which I'm very thankful for. (Jason was hoping a tree would crash through our sliding glass door so we could replace it.)
Friday before the storm we decided to come stay with our friends April and Jason in Tomball so that when our power went out, we'd have somebody to be bored with. They're super and will always be welcome to have a sleepover at our house! ;) So we've been here a week - they got power back last Monday and our house is supposed to be back online this coming Monday. Sooo... in the meantime, I think I'll stay here where the refrigerator works!
We've spent a lot of time cooking meat from everybody's freezers and driving around to mooch off various people. April's sister and brother-in-law got power back first so we were all over there over the weekend to watch TV. Matt and Melissa, who live one street over, got power next, so we made Melissa cook pizza for us while we watched movies. (Nah, she's been awesome and voluntarily fed us. I think.)
Everybody went back to work today (except me). So I'm eating Oatmeal Crisp and listening to the new Family Force 5 CD (!!). The end. (Pictures here.)